The Changing Nature of Work

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The Changing Nature of Work

Written by Carrie Hequembourg, PLPC under the supervision of Glenda Sullentrup, MA, LPC, MCC

With the post-pandemic great reopening upon us, do you find yourself among the millions of people who are reassessing their relationships with work?  Have you been asking yourself one or more of the following questions:  What are my priorities?  How much time do I want (or need) to spend at work?  Do I want to change careers or stay in the same field?  And perhaps the biggest one of all:  How do I want to live now?

Some folks who have been working remotely since the spring of 2020 are learning that they are expected to return to the office on September 1, five days a week, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  For others, a “hybrid” work schedule (three days in the office, two days working remotely), has already taken effect or is on the horizon.  For some, an official return date has yet to be determined.  And for millions of essential workers, throughout the pandemic, there was never a choice but to keep showing up at stores, factories, schools, and in healthcare settings, often at great risk to themselves.  

For many people, this is the moment to literally redefine what work is and what it is not.  We are grappling with big questions, reflecting on what we are walking away from—and worrying, wondering, perhaps even dreaming—about what we are walking toward.  In a surprising phenomenon, people are not just abandoning jobs but changing professions (Time Magazine, Joanne Lipman, June 7/June 14, 2021).  This is a chance to radically reassess our careers—an opportunity to reevaluate how we think about work.  

But what is the first step to making a smart and satisfying career change?  There are multiple factors that go into making a good career decision, however, the most important traits to know about yourself are your skills, interests, and personal style.  Knowing these, and how they match up with various careers, will help you define what you need in a career for it to be satisfying.  The fastest way to determine your traits is to work with a career counselor who is qualified to administer these assessments and suggest potential careers for you to consider. 

Will you change, or will you stay the same?  You get to decide.  And you don’t need to do it alone.  

If you are ready to plan for a better career and a better future, take a look at the Inspired LifeworkShop career exploration webinar to see if it’s right for you.  You can also contact us and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on our latest blogs and upcoming workshops.

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